Large ficus progression (first post in a while)


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I wrote out the story of how I acquired the tree and the photos show a thorough progression. I initially purchased it from Hollow Creek when they sold off a large part of their tropical collection (maybe 3 years ago?). Its been a work in progress ever since and always a champion putting out insane amounts of growth. Any critique/suggestions are welcome. I have a private day with Peter Tea in September and hopefully we will spend some time on this tree again this year.


A lot of wiring:


I can't get the photos to embed from IMGUR but here is a hyperlink of the progression. If anyone can show me how to do that I would appreciate it. The gallery below has a bunch of more pictures.

Tree is probably ready for defoliation and rewiring. I recently removed some wire that was already biting in.

Thanks for looking!
Thank you all for the kind words. Hopefully once I can further develop the top's ramification I will be able to start working toward smaller leaves and everything will look in proportion (maybe repot next year into a shallower pot). I have been letting everything grow wild for now to help perpetuate bud site production further down the branches.

I'll update this thread after I work on the tree with Peter Tea in September.

Here are some other ficus i've been working on and a group shot of one of my benches today in the rain:



@timeleft ,

really beautiful structure. Might I suggest looking at how the Chinese handle this situation
on youtube.

[1] Could I suggest you shift these images to ----- The Ficus Repository --- in --------- New to Bonsai
before they get lost.

How to build on showing off that structure.

[2] Please show what Mr.Tea does with it.

[3] Just a suggestion, maybe a few holes just below the stone level in your bowls so the
trees don't sit in water after rains.
Ficus are not crazy about soaking wet soil.
Thanks again.
Thank you @Anthony what I usually do is tip the water out of the saucers after the rain and let them sit in it for the day. Something like a tropical rain storm but you are probably right and Ill do that when the rain stops. I will absolutely post up what I do in September. It is a private day so I am hoping to convince my brother to photograph the day and help me with a chronology of the trees that we work on.

I'll take a look at the Ficus repository too. I have quite a few others I can show off as well and some more dramatic projects. I made a 21 tree forest exclusively from the limbs of the giant ficus above came out pretty well.
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