Krauters vesuvius purple leaf plum


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Albuquerque new mexico
Hey everyone, just thought I'd share yet another tree I got from work for free.
This tree was purchased by a customer who "forgot" to water it (lots of people don't believe me when I say they need to water regularly in summer)
Well it came back to my work in a trash bag and brittle as can be. I chopped it back until I could see the purple cambium these have and left it to do its thing. I finally brought it home the other day to start cleaning up the deadwood. This is a grafted tree but as my luck would have it, 2/3s of the trunk died and that included the ugly graft scar. The trunk is 1.5" at the base and is 3.5" to the chop. After going around the tree and cutting away dead bark until I found life I found that I had some very nice taper already traveling up into the new trunkline.
I plan to cut the top growth back VERY hard this autumn and I will repot into a 6"×6" grow box next spring.

Here's the side of the trunk that I've chosen to be my front as its not littered with dead lol and it has a nice rootspread.20160904_081958.jpg
Here's the dead portion Of the trunk, you can see where the graft was.20160904_082025.jpg
And here's the whole tree.20160904_082048.jpg
Hopefully this will make a nice mame or small shohin in the next 5 years or so.

I have a Hornbeam like that....from the side it looks like less than a half of a trunk. Completely flat one side. Curved live trunk on one side. Challenging to make it look like a tree. And....the core wood keeps eroding further each year. will be in the wood pile...mingling.....or I'll carve what's left and make Hornbeam soil picks.
I have a Hornbeam like that....from the side it looks like less than a half of a trunk. Completely flat one side. Curved live trunk on one side. Challenging to make it look like a tree. And....the core wood keeps eroding further each year. will be in the wood pile...mingling.....or I'll carve what's left and make Hornbeam soil picks.
I'm happy that these have pretty hard wood and I live in a dry climate, plus the fact that they are one of a few fruit trees that actually like full sun here, so I'm not worried about the wood rotting. Plums are notorious for having borers here though so I'll need to make sure I watch out for them!

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