Kotobuki seedling.


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This clone is a seedling from kotobuki with extra-short needles which don't seem to get any longer so far and without any dwarfing techniques. It is grafted onto a BP seedling. I might try to graft a piece of it onto another BP stock to see if it changes.
Very interesting! I hate to display my ignorance, but what is a "BP seedling"?

Also... if you had a seedling displaying all the characteristics of a kotobuki... why would you graft it on something? Or are you saying that the mother tree belongs to someone else, and you grafted in order to obtain the material?
BP Seedling is Black Pine Seedling. Is that a serious question or you trying to be cute?
Very interesting! I hate to display my ignorance, but what is a "BP seedling"?

Also... if you had a seedling displaying all the characteristics of a kotobuki... why would you graft it on something? Or are you saying that the mother tree belongs to someone else, and you grafted in order to obtain the material?
To tell you the truth I can't quite remember why I grafted it because it was a decade ago but it was probably because the seedling was a bit weak or slow compared to it's siblings?? I have another clone from the same batch which is more vigorous and with longer needles but still well worth keeping. They are definitely different to the original kotobuki when you look at them side by side.
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