Kiyohime leggy branches, do I cut?


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Antwerp, Belgium
I know I have gotten too many new trees lately and promised myself I wouldn't get anymore, but then I saw this one at a local club sale and the previous owner practically gave it away.
What was I supposed to do? :rolleyes:

He told me a he got it a few years ago from a well know bonsai nursery here in Europe (Danny Use) to get into deciduous trees, but decided he liked conifers more etc.. tldr; this fella got neglected as you can see.
Nonetheless the trunk is decent, but no idea about the nebari.

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I'm planning on lifting it out of the pot next spring, have a look at the roots and put into a grow box to get it vigorous.
I was also hoping to make some drastic cut backs on the branches, but after some research here I've found various sources saying Kiyohime's don't take well to drastic cut backs.
Would it be better to let it run after the repot and prune for backbuds after the first flush?

Main reason I'd like to remove most of the branches is because they feel like they are in the wrong place, a lot of scarring and I think it would look better with the canopy closer to the ground/pot.
Unless someone can offer a different perspective?
Because of early spring weather the buds on my Kiyohime's are already starting to swell (my Katsura is leaving out already) so did a repot on this one so it can get stronger.
As I did it at my local bonsai club I forgot to take pictures during the repot.

Discovered some nice nebari on this one

The tree did well in the bigger pot last year. It got stronger and a lot more dense.
I still want to make those drastic cuts, just unsure how hard I should cut back.

Pic September 19.

This spring
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This was cut back pretty hard last summer (2020). New branches are growning as we speak :)
Think I will leave it in the oversized container a year (or 2 maybe) more, then repot in a proper sized pot.

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