Kid Friendly Bonsai Opportunities in Georgia...?

Dan W.

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Hey everyone, I noticed a thread a while back about one of you teaching bonsai with their students in school. I want to say thank you to all who are willing to invest in the younger generations, whether they go any further with this hobby/art form or not. My teachers and I have had the privelege to teach students in our schools here in WY. -- I know that much of bonsai is very technical, but I believe capturing students imagnation with a great art form and a positive hobby is somehting that should never be neglected.

Here is a question for some of you in and around Gerogia: Are there any classes/workshops or anything that would be kid friendly enough for a 12 boy to attend? (Even someone neaby that wouldn't mind spending a little time showing him the ropes would be great!) I have a young rleative who I helped get into the hobby about 2 years ago. He has been loving it, but could really use someone out there who could help him out a bit. He lives in Kathleen GA.

Thanks! :)

Thanks flor1. I'll try them. :)
Not a whole lot going on around Kathleen (middle Georgia), most of the activity is around Atlanta. I've noticed a poster or 2 from nearby Macon on here, who can perhaps be more helpful. BTW, I grew up a few miles from Kathleen in Warner Robins and have to admit that I don't miss it one bit. Too hot and too many allergens.
Haha, I've only visited in the spring...but even that was horrible for a Wyoming boy.
Thanks, I'll try to find out about Macon. His parents work in Warner Robins, and I think they visit Macon fairly often.
I teach several of the beginners classes at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA. I've had participants ranging from early teens to older adults. It's an all day course (from about 10-4) and all materials are provided. I think $100 covers tree, pot, soil, wire, tools provided and instruction. The trees are beginner's stock but are usually decent pre-bonsai material. The next one coming up is June 9th, Intro to tropicals. We'll be working with willow leaf ficus from Wigert's. If you think he could tolerate a class that long, call the Monastery greenhouse to check on availability. It usually fills up.

Otherwise, the Atlanta Bonsai Society has monthly weekend workshops that last about 3-4 hours. First workshop is free with a $35 family membership to ABS. Some of the visiting artists are great with kids or beginners. Ted Matson is returning around Feb. or so. He is wonderful with kids/beginners.

Thanks Kirk! I'll get ahold of them and see what we can do.
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