Kandy kitchen disease


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Western North Carolina
Picked up a Kandy Kitchen because I wanted a red maple in my collection that wasn't native to NC. I found a nursery that had it and it looked a little off about it but Im going to try and layer it now and take off the layer in the spring, however the tree is exhibiting some strange something, could it be verticillium wilt? After further research this variety is susceptible to the wilt and can suddenly die and is very hard to layer. Not much info on this tree on this site either. I read on UBC that witch's brooms die a lot of the time because they have more leaves than roots. 20200906_185649(1).jpg



I am going to take a look at the roots today and am thinking of potting it up in 50/50 pine fines and akadama, it is covered in osmocote and i am also thinking of removing it all as that could be the problem if not a fungal problem. I give it full morning sun and full afternoon shade, I have just moved it to a almost full shade all day spot
I would not disturb the roots now, wait until early spring. Only disturb the roots if you see obvious signs of a fatal disease developing, because repotting now, while in leaf may be fatal in and of itself. Leave the roots alone until spring if at all possible.
Pics! What's the state of it?

Are you "kleenexing" osmocote?

I removed all the osmocote from the top layer on the pot, I checked the roots and most of the pot is natures helper mixed with pine bark nuggets. Ill slip pot it next year into a larger pot currently in a 3 gallon. Could I start an airlayer this year and not take it off until next summer?
I would give it a Bayer 3-in-1 now and in March. And maybe June and September, too
Verticilium wilt is a vascular disease. There is no marring of the trunk or foliage. There is black in the vascular system of the tree, which explains the wilt if you think about it.
That's like doing heart surgery on a comatose patient. "Let's fix that heart while he's out, we don't need any anesthetic!"
removed all the osmocote

I didn't realize you could see it quite well on that one pic.
Those "green balls of death" aren't osmocote, they are "green balls of death".

It's possible excessive doses of that could burn up your leaves, but it's odd it's only at the bottom.

Still, I'd pick all them balls out just cuz that color drives me crazy!

I don't think it needs a salvage. It should be fine!

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