JWP Azuma goyo wilting brown tips


Imperial Masterpiece
Reaction score
Western West Virginia AHS heat zone 6
Diseasr or pest?
All but the newest needles that just recently emerged later than this years needles.
So yes, this years needles are affected. Does not resemble needle cast.
It looks somewhat similar to salt stress.
But the wonky needle wobbles make me wonder if there's not something mechanical too.
It looks somewhat similar to salt stress.
But the wonky needle wobbles make me wonder if there's not something mechanical too.
IDK, I recently sprayed a miticide
but skipped my JWPs rather used my EWPs as guinea pigs.
They did ok, so next round I included my JWPs. This is the only tree showing stress recently.
Other pines have needlecast...
Something hit all my conifers last year except for yew and juniper, and this one JWP.
It waded right through.
All pines were treated for needlecast this Spring regardless.
Hmm it could be a tip blight but if it's only present on white pines I would check if EWP is native to your area and if it is.. Check for blister rust as well.
However, most fungicides would take care of that. So if they were treated for needle cast, it would've taken the other fungal pathogens down as well.

Can you post a picture of the (label of) contents of your miticide? It might just be that it contains some kind of sodium soap as a surfactant. Then it would make sense that the tips burned off. A couple years ago somebody posted a "fungicide" recipe on a cannabis forum, and I spent the next couple of months laughing my ass off because people couldn't distinguish sodium carbonate (the bad for plants baking soda) from potassium carbonate (the less bad for plants baking soda).
Hmm it could be a tip blight but if it's only present on white pines I would check if EWP is native to your area and if it is.. Check for blister rust as well.
However, most fungicides would take care of that. So if they were treated for needle cast, it would've taken the other fungal pathogens down as well.

Can you post a picture of the (label of) contents of your miticide? It might just be that it contains some kind of sodium soap as a surfactant. Then it would make sense that the tips burned off. A couple years ago somebody posted a "fungicide" recipe on a cannabis forum, and I spent the next couple of months laughing my ass off because people couldn't distinguish sodium carbonate (the bad for plants baking soda) from potassium carbonate (the less bad for plants baking soda).
Thanks for the reply.
My 2 EWPs are dwarf.
EWP is native.
This one JWP is the only tree i have I'm aware of that's experiencing this issue.
I've never heard of fluvalinate, but it seems it has fluoride on the molecule, something no animal or plant seems to be able to process. It could be that in the breakdown process of your miticide, the fluoride combined with the fluoride from your tap water, might have raised the levels to be toxic. There's so little known about fluoride toxicity, that I'm not comfortable saying that this is an answer I get behind.
This is full speculation.

It does seem that both azoles as well as the fluvalinate are soluble in oils, and it could be that there is an emulsifier in the mix that might have acted up too; I have some insecticides in straight naphta and in large amounts it will hurt the cuticle wax and cause burns.

Still not sure if that's it though. Never seen something exactly like this, only stuff that's just remotely similar.
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