Vance Wood
Lord Mugo
I wasn't worried Bill..... I was hoping some one else out there had a few that do it as well and could tell me if it was some special variety
It is from the frost. I have a couple of Shimpakus that do that every year.
I wasn't worried Bill..... I was hoping some one else out there had a few that do it as well and could tell me if it was some special variety
No help with the ID then?Most likely pollen cones.
No help with the ID then?
No help with the ID then?
Hijack or not, let's see this purple juniper!yar.... sorry for hijacking ur thread......
gots to have pictures like Dave said .....
Sounds about right Brian, it's a function of how hard it gets cut back, so I have heard. Haven't payed enough attention to notice myself, but most of my scale junis haven't been pruned hard yet, while I have had them.
It depends on the Juniper, and sometimes watering too much, watering not enough, fertilizing too much or too little or singing bawdy songs around them; its not just over pruning or pinching. Shimpakus are usually pretty stable. If they throw juvi foliage it usually goes away pretty quick. However the species Sargent Juniper is a real problem in this area it will toss juvenile foliage for no apparent reason at all, and take a year to go away.
So much for singing bawdy songs in front of my itoigawas...guess I'll have to do that closer to the pines.![]()
Kind of an old thread, but my itoigawa (from post 26 above) is just starting to grow mature foliage again after cutting it back very hard in April '11. The look is great...can't wait for it to cover the tree!