Just scored a european olive from the nursery - Looking for training ideas here

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Austin, Tx
I picked up this olive from our local nusery. It was way in the back and I almost tripped over it. The trunk is the size of a soda can and already the start on some great features. The thing is massively pot bound with little soil and is all root. I was going to clear away some from the top to expose the nebari and then cut the root ball down maybe by 1/3. Since it is summer time I am assuming I should wait or will an olive tolerate root work now? If I need to wait, I need to at least slip pot it up because there is just no soil and all root.

I have not come up with a plan for where to cut the branching yet so it would be super great to get some advice on how much and where to make the initial cuts on the branches to set it up for training.

Looking at the tree, I could cut where I show the red lines in pic 1 and go for something like in pic2. I am just unsure if I should cut all the way now or make the cutting back in stages.

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