Just got my first Bonsai (Desert Rose)

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Hello everyone!

My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite.

1- How often should I water it during summer?
2- What fertilizer should I use and how often?
3- What's the lowest and highest temperature can a Desert Rose stand before I have to take it indoors?
4- Any advice on pruning and the best timing for it, will be very welcome. (Should I cut the flowers that are going bad too?)
5- How often should I repot it?

Any other big tip that I'm missing will be very welcome. Thank you so much in advance!
Jerome is well known and many think highly of his knowledge of adenium. For $5 you can take a boot camp online for your species...I think it would answer questions you don't even know to ask.

Welcome! If you add your general location to your profile, you will get more specific advice for your climate. They are easy plants. Even if they are a succulent, I water mine just like everything else in the summer, they seem to flower better. I bring it in when nighttime temps go below 50, but mine saw some 40's last year without any harm.
Welcome to Crazy!

Hello everyone!

My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite.

1- How often should I water it during summer?
2- What fertilizer should I use and how often?
3- What's the lowest and highest temperature can a Desert Rose stand before I have to take it indoors?
4- Any advice on pruning and the best timing for it, will be very welcome. (Should I cut the flowers that are going bad too?)
5- How often should I repot it?

Any other big tip that I'm missing will be very welcome. Thank you so much in advance!

Hello everyone!

My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite.

1- How often should I water it during summer?
2- What fertilizer should I use and how often?
3- What's the lowest and highest temperature can a Desert Rose stand before I have to take it indoors?
4- Any advice on pruning and the best timing for it, will be very welcome. (Should I cut the flowers that are going bad too?)
5- How often should I repot it?

Any other big tip that I'm missing will be very welcome. Thank you so much in advance!
Maria's garden youtube. She explains all time zones and more. All we are the bonsai supply YouTube by Jerome. You will be able to contact both.
Maria's garden youtube. She explains all time zones and more. All we are the bonsai supply YouTube by Jerome. You will be able to contact both.
typo we are.
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