Juniperus Sabina “Buffalo” early progression


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Albuquerque, NM
Bought this tree for $10 last week. Gave it a style. It’s been about a week since the work was done.

cut the pot down. Removed any surface duff. I turned the tree 15/20 degrees or so. Accentuated the natural curves and jinned a few branches with attaching Shari. I also wired the jins to put them right where I wanted. Laid the pads out flat and established the layout for the crown. This tree was very healthy at purchase and all I touched was the foliage. If it were a rescue juniper I probably wouldn’t have done what I did, but it was and so I got down. I’m thinking these may have been cutting grown as the amount of soil they were in to the height of the pot was small. Next spring if the tree looks healthy I’ll manage part of the root ball which appears decently compact and fiberto start. Though it’s probably fine I always must my juniper daily for several weeks after work has been done. It def needs more detail clean up and wiring but I didn’t want to get any more aggressive than I already did with the foliage remaining. if the foliage can keep tight it should be a fun tree long term.

It appears the growing tips on all of the foliage is turning that light, extension type green. Very pleased with this little tree and its future. Really happy in particular the way the Jins and sharis connect to each other physically and visually. The 2 lower Jin are connected with a straighter Shari, but it highlights the undulation of the trunk. The upper left and middle right Jin are connected by a Shari that wraps around the trunk. It also creates a nice band of live vein that runs front and center down to the primary branch and roots. The top jin seens to maintain the trunks movement, but the apex makes a nice clean break from that line balancing the image. This is all my opinion really. I’m just not always happy with my initial stylings!!
Picked up four more of these little Sabina Buffalo. At $7.50 each it’s worth it to me. I can either give several away as gifts or sell them to make a few bucks. I know these are not the true European variety of Sabina, but I think they can still be maintained very well as great shohin trees over time. Nice movement, and a beautiful fluorescent green foliage was the appeal for me. I will work at a nice wrapping live vein on these just like the original I posted. I’m also going to try and wire in extra movement to the trunk lines.
Very nice! I have a small one that's currently twisted up like a pretzel and being left alone to thicken for a few years. The color is indeed nice, and I agree the foilage has some promise for shohin. I look forward to watching the progress on yours!
Very nice! I have a small one that's currently twisted up like a pretzel and being left alone to thicken for a few years. The color is indeed nice, and I agree the foilage has some promise for shohin. I look forward to watching the progress on yours!
Thanks for saying! Without having worked a true Sabina, I can’t say how the foliage is different. I think the color is similar but maybe the growth habit is a bit more coarse. On one of Bjorns recent videos he talks about the great color of Sabina foliage.
I plan to twist up some of the trunks on at least 1 of the other 4. For fun and maybe for eventual sale, I may go buy up a few more. $7.50 is a hard price to beat. Funny thing is, the tag shows 9.50, but I didn’t realize i was getting a discount on these until today. Paying my bonsai club dues gets us a 20% off discount at this nursery.
I had bought 5 more of these recently. I had planned on repotting and styling them all of them next season. It’s been an absolutely crazy week though. Stressful to the max. I decided I needed a little release last night and styled one up. It’ll need protection of the winter months for sure with as much foliage as I removed. I will also need to detail wire once I get more growth and some jobs and sharis will need adding over time as well. Not sure how much I love it just yet but it was certainly cathartic.
Sure now worth a lot more than 10 bucks!! if it were mine I would like the apex more offcentered to the left and IDK if I would keep the first branch, but as the tree right now is very nice also.

I did not style, trim or wire this tree at all last summer as I experienced a bit of die back. Noting terribly significant, but enough for me to pause and allow it to gain steam. A few weeks ago I decided it was ready! I removed that bottom right branch, changing the directionality to one that moves away from the apex. I really think this created a more tension filled design, but one that achieves a much better overall look.

This tree, like my other Sabina “Buffalo” varieties has the most iridescent green foliage. It’s awfully tight, while maintaining a lightness and grows upward only. Very happy with this trees progression. I’m thinking a slightly smaller pot next season will really set the image off.
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