Already posted this project in a newby thread, but I think this is my first material that actually has alright bonsai potential! So I think it deserves its own thread (the other threads may be added to the burn pile
Added photos of work so far - pruning (tried not to do too much), excavating some of the top soil and ridding the top fine roots (again tried not to do much!)
Excited about this! Saw a juniper online when browsing (google - attached photo) and liked the design. Was wondering if I could try something similar with mine. It'd mean planting at an angle. Attached a doodle of the general idea (ignore the bad drawing). Would possibly do the following:
1. Create jin on the large bottom left branch, possibly keep the length? It's quite straight though, would it be wise to wire it to create more of a curve, then jin it? Seems a shame to get rid of it
2. Create sharimiki on the left side of trunk to compliment the jin
3. Wire the right branches down slightly
Have a few queries about this planting at an angle...
1. Is it possible to plant at this angle? Around 45 degrees is it?
2. Would the roots handle it - would the left side roots need to be more developed to hold the tree up?
3. If the left roots do need to be more developed, is there a way to encourage this?
Let me know if any of this sounds daft, or if it generally just doesn't look good or isn't feasible! All this stuff is long term thinking - close future will (providing all goes well) be repotting around August full moon (thanks @sorce for the help with that one!)
Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to read this and comment

Added photos of work so far - pruning (tried not to do too much), excavating some of the top soil and ridding the top fine roots (again tried not to do much!)
Excited about this! Saw a juniper online when browsing (google - attached photo) and liked the design. Was wondering if I could try something similar with mine. It'd mean planting at an angle. Attached a doodle of the general idea (ignore the bad drawing). Would possibly do the following:
1. Create jin on the large bottom left branch, possibly keep the length? It's quite straight though, would it be wise to wire it to create more of a curve, then jin it? Seems a shame to get rid of it
2. Create sharimiki on the left side of trunk to compliment the jin
3. Wire the right branches down slightly
Have a few queries about this planting at an angle...
1. Is it possible to plant at this angle? Around 45 degrees is it?
2. Would the roots handle it - would the left side roots need to be more developed to hold the tree up?
3. If the left roots do need to be more developed, is there a way to encourage this?
Let me know if any of this sounds daft, or if it generally just doesn't look good or isn't feasible! All this stuff is long term thinking - close future will (providing all goes well) be repotting around August full moon (thanks @sorce for the help with that one!)
Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to read this and comment