Juniper nursery repot after care


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Canada, Ontario, Cambridge
Last year I bought a nursery juniper shown in picture 1, I over wintered it in its nursery pot and this spring I repotted into picture 2. I did prune some of it but didnt want to go to drastic. This is actually my first coniferous bonsai, and would like to pick some brains here on what I should do for after care and such. Note picture 2 was taken today but repotting was done probably 2- 3 weeks ago now.

I assume I should wait for a full recovery to do hardpruning, which I do plan and want to do. Any info helps 😊
After care is like potting soil. Everyone has their own way of doing it.
For me, after potting care for junipers is pretty much the same as for any other bonsai - put it back on the bench in conditions it is accustomed to and continue normal care. I figure if what I normally do is good for the tree then it should also be good after potting. Seems to work out OK here.

Definitely wait before doing any further work on this one. Junipers are one of those species that inspired the 'one insult per season/year' recommendation. They are a bit slower to grow new roots and foliage, particularly growing tips, helps to grow those new roots. Let this one alone at least until you see strong growth happening up top as an indication of good root growth below. Even better to leave it until the end of summer to recover properly.
Even species that are quicker to recover need to be left alone for a month or so after potting because any work is likely to move the trunk which can break off fragile new roots trying to grow below.
After care is like potting soil. Everyone has their own way of doing it.
For me, after potting care for junipers is pretty much the same as for any other bonsai - put it back on the bench in conditions it is accustomed to and continue normal care. I figure if what I normally do is good for the tree then it should also be good after potting. Seems to work out OK here.

Definitely wait before doing any further work on this one. Junipers are one of those species that inspired the 'one insult per season/year' recommendation. They are a bit slower to grow new roots and foliage, particularly growing tips, helps to grow those new roots. Let this one alone at least until you see strong growth happening up top as an indication of good root growth below. Even better to leave it until the end of summer to recover properly.
Even species that are quicker to recover need to be left alone for a month or so after potting because any work is likely to move the trunk which can break off fragile new roots trying to grow below.
Awesome thanks for the info 😊
Loved the movement of the trunk in the 1st picture.
Did you change the planting angle straightening up the trunk line?
Looks like a Sargents Juniper.
my first coniferous bonsai
Unlike, say a JM, working the roots hard and putting into a shallow pot 1st go around
is not a good idea. Keep the foliage misted frequently, and don't let the roots dry out
too much, nor stay wet.

Is the root ball tethered to the bottom of the pot with wire?

I protect my newly repotted juniper from excess heat and winds that may move the roots
within the pot. Proper tethering helps that, but until new roots are grabbing good
stronger winds can wiggle the roots and damage them. Other than that, full Sun
and I use a liquid rooting hormone 1st couple of months (K-L-N) for all my transplants..
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