Juniper is Dying


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Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Posted a few weeks ago and since then my juniper has declined even more. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with? Do I need to cut everything off except for the one tiny healthy branch? Little black spots everywhere. You can kind of see them in the pictures but the main concern is all the tips!


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Some questions that might help with diagnosis:

How long have you had this tree, where did you get it, where do you keep it, what's your watering regime look like?
Some questions that might help with diagnosis:

How long have you had this tree, where did you get it, where do you keep it, what's your watering regime look like?
Had it for a little over a year. Was the first tree I got getting into the hobby so it’s a little worthless but I wanna keep it alive. Been watering every 3-4 days during the cold. It’s in full sunlight.
Had it for a little over a year. Was the first tree I got getting into the hobby so it’s a little worthless but I wanna keep it alive. Been watering every 3-4 days during the cold. It’s in full sunlight.
Where is the tree kept? What kind of conditions?
Posted a few weeks ago and since then my juniper has declined even more. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with? Do I need to cut everything off except for the one tiny healthy branch? Little black spots everywhere. You can kind of see them in the pictures but the main concern is all the tips!
Is this tree inside? How moist do you keep the soil, could be too wet and causing some root rot possibly?
Unfortunately that doesn't look good, the tree must've experienced some kind of shock some time back. I agree with the overwatering theory. What your seeing now could be the after effects of an already dead tree. Junipers die from the inside out. The tips on the one branch still seem healthy and lush so it might survive if it has the energy to ouch out some new flush in spring.
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Is this tree inside? How moist do you keep the soil, could be too wet and causing some root rot possibly?
The tree is outside and I water every couple days. Has pumice lava rock and akadama so shouldn’t retain enough water to cause problems
Cool, I would probably treat it with neem or safe soap if it looks like it has any problems from a bug or fungus and looks healthy. If not looking healthy, don't spray it and keep it in the sun and hopefully it will make a come back for you.
The best thing to do with a juniper this weak is leave it alone. If it's gonna pull through it will, but repotting or pruning generally does more harm before it recovers. Don't take anything off. If you think it has bugs, treat with a mild pesticide, but I don't recomend neem for a weak juniper. Keep it from freezing (it was 32 here the other night, so it may be getting colder than you think. Maybe put it in the garage at night). Before watering, scratch a little under the soil surface at the edge of the pot to see if its still moist below. Water when it's dry and just baby it as much as you can. Hopefully it will push new growth once the weather warms. Right now it could go either way. Hope it pulls through for you.
Posted a few weeks ago and since then my juniper has declined even more. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with? Do I need to cut everything off except for the one tiny healthy branch? Little black spots everywhere. You can kind of see them in the pictures but the main concern is all the tips!
Looking at your first pics, the foliage is all shiny/slimy, which is kind of weird. Were these freshly watered before you took the photo? Can you check the area I circled in red and get a higher res image? It looks like sooty mold based on the black specs, which could be a pest issue (mold can happen with sap sucking insects like aphids among many many others...). The fact you have dead spots in the middle of branches (like the blue circled section) is really weird, and could be another clue of an insect issue.

Look into juniper tip blight (phomopsis) with your specific cultivar. If you have a local agriculture extension office they may have good resources to help you ID. Tip blight, as the name suggests, starts at the tips and works down. Your 2nd image fits this pattern, hard to see in the 1st.... Tip blight is spread by moist foliage (if the shininess is from water, a good clue this may be the problem) and poor circulation.

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