Chris Frechette
So I haven't messed w/ many junipers, other than a couple $8 dollar ones from Home Depot. I bought this guy at the club auction in September. At the time it was extremely cascading... like straight down, even the foliage pads were vertical. It was strange and I don't know what the owner was going for. A few months ago, I pulled it out and worked the roots just enough to rotate up about 70 degrees to be a semi cascade in the same pot.
I let it sit til last night and finally rewired it and shaped it... and I'm pretty happy it. I has a severe inverse taper at base except for one angle (the new front)... now most of the tree flows away from you, but I bring it back around, so hopefully it looks good.
My question is about the foliage. So since I purchased it in Sept, the foliage has been slightly yellow (unlike the other lil ones that are bright green or even blueish) and there is a mix of spikey (assuming juvenile) foliage and more mature foliage... as well as some dried up weak pieces. No one pad is consistent all the way thru. So...
Does this mean its stressed?
Should I not have wired it?
Is time just what it needs?
Do you prune back juvenile foliage?
I let it sit til last night and finally rewired it and shaped it... and I'm pretty happy it. I has a severe inverse taper at base except for one angle (the new front)... now most of the tree flows away from you, but I bring it back around, so hopefully it looks good.
My question is about the foliage. So since I purchased it in Sept, the foliage has been slightly yellow (unlike the other lil ones that are bright green or even blueish) and there is a mix of spikey (assuming juvenile) foliage and more mature foliage... as well as some dried up weak pieces. No one pad is consistent all the way thru. So...
Does this mean its stressed?
Should I not have wired it?
Is time just what it needs?
Do you prune back juvenile foliage?