Critique please... just pruned, has been wired for 2 yrs, 14"H ...8"W
I suggest you exaggerate the bends more when you wire...if this young tree has been wired for 2 years and the wire hasn't scarred the branches...I wonder if you are feeding your trees enough?? You should have much more growth. I have to be very careful...much more than one growing season and wire leaves significant scars...sometimes desirable and sometimes not...Critique please... just pruned, has been wired for 2 yrs, 14"H ...8"W
Critique please...
You should have much more growth.
Here are a few I am developing for rock plantings...they are 6-7 years old from small cuttings.
I use potting soil mix on deciduous stuff(and I completely agree that it is far better for things you are trying to grow quickly) but the junipers are in a primarily inorganic mix that does have some pine bark. I have experimented with fafard and junipers and the results weren't as good as the mix I use.Curious as the route I am taking with some is to keep them in a home brew Nursery mix. Fafard, Course sand, perlite type. Seems to me for growing it works out well. Your soil looks organic is why I ask and your results look good
I have experimented with fafard and junipers and the results weren't as good as the mix I use.