Jinn on a Australia brush cherry?


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I have new tree and am new to Bonsai so i won't be trying anything on the tree yet, but can I carve down the dead top on this Australia brush cherry?
Im just not sure what to do with this top bit?
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Brush cherry do get dead wood but it is transitory - rots away very quick in nature - so probably not really appropriate for the species.

Im just not sure what to do with this top bit?
Good styling takes into account the entire tree - shape, size, branching, etc, etc.
It is a bit hard to give meaningful advice when we can only see a small portion of a tree in a 2D picture. There are usually more than 1 option but you may need to think outside the square to find some.
Of course, yes the pictures aren't good sorry. I chose the tree as i loved the shape. This is the 'good side'
The other one is it facing the other way.
Does this bud from the trunk a lot? Is it too much to hope a branch woulf form underneath and i could just make a bushy top?


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Does this bud from the trunk a lot? Is it too much to hope a branch woulf form underneath and i could just make a bushy top?
Brush cherry is really good at new shoots from old wood but that usually only happens when we prune hard. All that strong, vigorous growth at the top will stop new shoots lower on the trunk.
The 3 strong branches around the old cut is a typical response to trunk chop with these plants.

I can see the trunk already has reverse taper (thicker toward the top) from 3 strong branches close together. There are a few smaller side branches lower down you could chop back to which would get rid of the thickening top and reduce the S shape but if you really like that trunk shape an alternative would be to really trim the top hard. That will allow more lower shoots to grow and will reduce the upper thickening.
If you can get a few more branches from the trunk I'd also get rid of one of the upper branches - probably the centre one - but that will totally depend on where all the other branches and curves start and finish which is really hard to judge from 2D photos.

Good luck with this.

BTW, a lot of bonsai work is strongly seasonal eg pruning, trunk chop or repotting. Adding a location to the personal profile will help us make allowances for where you live and give even better advice about what is appropriate when.
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