JDP root job

crab apple

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N/W Florida
Does the saying "roots first" apply to JBPs. I bought this pine and several others at least two years ago and roughly 1/2 bare rooted them and put them in free draining bonsai soil. The rest of the soil mass would have been very hard to remove. Anyways I'm sure I could get it into a pot the way it is (when the time comes), years from now. So my question is should it be on my list to repot this spring for the purposes of making the roots better, water is draining through it no problem so it doesn't need a repot for that reason, just to do the customary root work, I know how important root work is for all my other trees but these JBPs are so fussy, it might even kill the tree. Is it worth it? I have enough trouble keeping these guys happy in the first place. The tree looks kinda rough from the pics but actually put on a lot ofJDP 2023 2.jpgJDP 2023 3.jpg growth,although leggy, this summer.
Reading between the lines, you say you half bare rooted into bonsai soil, so I would suggest a repot to remove the other half of none bonsai soil which may well be to blame for the problems you're having keeping the tree happy.

Yes roots first is a useful technique with JBP aswell.
With all bonsai nebari is important. Pines are generally shallow rooted species where nebari shows in natural trees so we also expect to see it in pine bonsai.
You can sometimes get away with hiding faults and you may be happy to have a reasonable tree with poor nebari but a good tree will also have good nebari.

I would not describe JBP as fussy. I routinely bare root young pines here. I know there seems to be a greater fear among some US growers but not sure if that's actual fact due to differences in climate or or just heresay passed on from one person to another without checking or questioning.

In the end you are the grower so it's up to you to decide how far to go and what risk to take.
JBP not generally fussy unless too wet or dry. Use of garbage plastic junk pot when half soil may just allow H2O to run off instead of soak in IMO is big mistake! ASAP get into solid wall container or box at least until can clean up other half of roots for even drainage/absorption of H2O.
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