crab apple
Does the saying "roots first" apply to JBPs. I bought this pine and several others at least two years ago and roughly 1/2 bare rooted them and put them in free draining bonsai soil. The rest of the soil mass would have been very hard to remove. Anyways I'm sure I could get it into a pot the way it is (when the time comes), years from now. So my question is should it be on my list to repot this spring for the purposes of making the roots better, water is draining through it no problem so it doesn't need a repot for that reason, just to do the customary root work, I know how important root work is for all my other trees but these JBPs are so fussy, it might even kill the tree. Is it worth it? I have enough trouble keeping these guys happy in the first place. The tree looks kinda rough from the pics but actually put on a lot of growth,although leggy, this summer.