I recently bought a JBP in a nursery pot and haven’t changed the soil, which seems to be a mix of organic and inorganic material. It’s summer here, and I keep the JBP in full sun, except on days over 30°C, when I use a 30% shade cloth.
Lately, I’ve noticed yellowing tips on the needles in the apex. I water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry, as commonly advised, but I’ve read that yellowing tips can indicate over watering.
Using a moisture meter, I found the lower part of the pot is still wet while the topsoil is dry. Could I be over watering by relying on the topsoil to decide when to water? Should I instead use the moisture meter to guide my watering?
Thanks for your help.
Lately, I’ve noticed yellowing tips on the needles in the apex. I water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry, as commonly advised, but I’ve read that yellowing tips can indicate over watering.
Using a moisture meter, I found the lower part of the pot is still wet while the topsoil is dry. Could I be over watering by relying on the topsoil to decide when to water? Should I instead use the moisture meter to guide my watering?
Thanks for your help.