JBP question about removing fall needles to early


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Bradenton, Florida
I am in central Florida and have a healthy JBP and think that I have maybe removed the fall needles a little too early (a couple weeks ago) because I'm getting another third flush of new buds. My question is this. I need to re pot this winter and am wondering if it will hurt the tree or kill off the new late buds that are growing now? Can I still safely re pot ?

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Repot in late January. You'll be fine.
Adair is right. Also, remember that a goal of removing old needles is to get buds to form over the fall/early spring. Next year's buds on my JBP are still enlarging and will continue for the next few weeks.

However, if those buds are opening now, you may have done too much needle pulling too early. Even if they're opening a little, they'll be fine...just be aware that it may affect the balance of the tree next spring and be prepared to intervene.
Thank You very much for the replies. Here are a couple pictures of what it is doing as of today. Temps are still in the mid 80's during the days and low 70's at night.

Adair is right. Also, remember that a goal of removing old needles is to get buds to form over the fall/early spring. Next year's buds on my JBP are still enlarging and will continue for the next few weeks.

However, if those buds are opening now, you may have done too much needle pulling too early. Even if they're opening a little, they'll be fine...just be aware that it may affect the balance of the tree next spring and be prepared to intervene.


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Fall on the calendar and fall where you live are two different things. I have the same temps right now also. I'm still treating as late summer.
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