JBP, Fall work before 1st Spring repotting?


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NE KS (formerly SoCal 10a)
The styling choices are not too difficult on this nice JBP from @Housguy, it has branches in several good places. I got it this Spring in Cali and haven’t touched it since we were moving. It could probably could stay in the can and thicken the taper on the apex, but I think I’m satisfied with the taper and would like to get it into a bonsai pot this spring.

Since I’ve neglected it the lower branching on one side is getting shaded and weaker. I think I need to balance the growth and get a more even the needle distribution. But I’m in zone 6b, so this tree goes into cold frame against the house this winter.

So, how hard to work the growth back in advance of both winter and a spring repotting? Remembering that it has probably only had light frosts if any in its life.

In my few mature pine repots, I’ve like to go into it with a vigorous growing tree.
You might wait until spring to do any work if you’re (rightly) concerned about how it will over winter.
When buds start to move in the spring, prune for balance, wire primary branches, and then repot.
Thanks Brian. Normally, I’d do the light work now, so it is setup for repot in Feb. which was my early Spring in SoCal. But I have no idea when spring (early bud push) will be here in 6b. I’ll see Todd Schlafer and the KC bonsai crew this weekend so they can give me the lowdown on timing for our region.

Given my SoCal laissez-faire attitude on bonsai work, I’m guessing I’ll miss the spring repot window. I forgot how much actual seasons impart a real sense of urgency on life and now bonsai!
That tree is looking nice my friend, can't wait to see it in a bonsai pot styled!
If you are worried about how it will do over the winter, you can always send it to balmy MD.
Seriously though, SoCal to NE KS is a big change of pace for a tree. I wonder if you’ve been in contact with bonsai afflicted locals yet? Maybe some pipe driving cables mulched into your coldframe would be in order?
I would trust BVF about holding off on any work until Spring. Great tree¡
This tree seemed to do ok with its first KS winter (in a cold frame). I did lightly prune for balance last Fall. But I didn’t get it wired before it went into storage. I repotted it on April 3rd and it went onto a heat bed open to the air. The bed has been holding 75-80F in the buried rootzone.

I think I timed it right, candles were just starting to move and I didn’t have to remove hardly any white, fleshy roots. The candles are elongating now but not opening needles yet.

How long do you keep it on the heat bed?

After 30 days, I think I need to prioritize more Sun over the heat which is in mostly shade. No decandling this year, but I think I can balance needles this summer and wire it in the Fall.

This tree seemed to do ok with its first KS winter (in a cold frame). I did lightly prune for balance last Fall. But I didn’t get it wired before it went into storage. I repotted it on April 3rd and it went onto a heat bed open to the air. The bed has been holding 75-80F in the buried rootzone.

I think I timed it right, candles were just starting to move and I didn’t have to remove hardly any white, fleshy roots. The candles are elongating now but not opening needles yet.

How long do you keep it on the heat bed?

After 30 days, I think I need to prioritize more Sun over the heat which is in mostly shade. No decandling this year, but I think I can balance needles this summer and wire it in the Fall.

View attachment 486190
View attachment 486189
Looking great my friend!
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