Hello, I’m a beginner in the Bonsai world but I inherited an amazing collection of Bonsais from my mother in law who was a dedicated Bonsai expert for 30+ years. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to learn from her and I want to take really good care of her trees. One of the trees is a beautiful Jasmine. It seemed it was doing great and flowering until 2 days ago I noticed the leaves look folded.
I have him in direct Sun and I water him every day since I read they like water and sun. I live in Miami so it’s starting to get hot. Please take a look at the pictures I have attached. I’m really concerned since I don’t know if I have overwater or if he need more water. I fertilized him a couple days ago with organic fertilizer as well.
appreciate your help!!!!
I have him in direct Sun and I water him every day since I read they like water and sun. I live in Miami so it’s starting to get hot. Please take a look at the pictures I have attached. I’m really concerned since I don’t know if I have overwater or if he need more water. I fertilized him a couple days ago with organic fertilizer as well.
appreciate your help!!!!