Japanese Quince, Texas scarlet

Chinese quince is Pseudocydonia sinensis.

Japanese quince usually have multiple, sinuous, vine-like trunks. Chinese quince is single trunked.
3rd September, 2023 update:

Repotted after flowering during summer of June 2023. Repotting successful. Cleaned up a bit and removed some
suckers. Have plenty to cut back and wire this winter.

June 7th, 2024 update: Not sure what happened but a portion of the tree wanted to dye off earlier this spring. I cut out all the dead ones. There’s just one main ‘Branch’ that’s alive now. Interesting.

I wonder if you had potted it a bit deeper perhaps you would not have lost so many branches. But this new configuration does offer new design opportunities. I can still see it becoming quite attractive in a few years.
Thanks. Not sure what went wrong. And yes, it’s possible a deeper pot could have helped as in less amount of root pruning. It seemed to have thrived last year though.
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