Japanese Black Pine and Trident Maple under Metal halide?


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hello guys!

I'm from Brazil. I don't have an outside area (for now) anda I'd like to grow just one bonsai under a 250W MH bulb.

Would a JBP or Trident Maple grow under this? Or a 400W? Thanks!
hello guys!

I'm from Brazil. I don't have an outside area (for now) anda I'd like to grow just one bonsai under a 250W MH bulb.

Would a JBP or Trident Maple grow under this? Or a 400W? Thanks!

No. They both need the outdoors to survive... Changing seasons, wind rain, real sun... If you don't have an outdoor area, go with tropicals like ficus, Bouganvilla...
Thank you for the reply! I have a ficus then I'll get it back to my apartment!

A ficus retusa can easily grown under a 250 MH right?
What Eric said. It's not an issue of light, it's an issue of dormancy.
Thank you for the reply! I have a ficus then I'll get it back to my apartment!

A ficus retusa can easily grown under a 250 MH right?

Not a problem. It'll burn if the light is too close, though.

Japanese black pines grow easily over here , Trinidad [ next to Venezuela ] try a seedling and around winter time for you, see if you can lower the temperature to 20 deg.c for 12 to 18 hours. For about 3 months.
You can probably do this easily if you have a window with sun, and just let what happens in winter time in Brazil.

No need for frost, just slightly weaker light and a lower temperature for the day.

We still reach 30 deg.C but only for an hour or less during the Northern winter months.

You can also start off with seeds. Remember to keep the air moving for any of your bonsai attempts.

Read here -


Good Day.
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