ISO Emperor Pomegranate


Mister 500,000
Reaction score
Somewhere South of Phoenix
I miss my emperor pome and I can't find another. I would be thrilled with even a rooted cutting. If anyone has a lead please let me know.
Why this variety?
Brent used to sell it, but due to it not been cold hardy (in California) he lost the entire crop. Apparently he have a new mother tree but still no update on the for sale page.

There are other varieties to consider.

7855 Punica granatum 'Emperor' This little plant was brought from Japan by Don Herzog of the Miniature Plant Kingdom and is perhaps the finest dwarf pomegranate available today. It grows very slowly into a very twiggy flattened dome about 3 feet x 4 feet and has good red orange single flowers followed by the most beautiful deep mahogany-purple skinned 1 1/2 inch plus fruits. Susceptible to late spring freezes. Excellent for bonsai.
Sorry, but we have discontinued this selection. It is not very cold hardy and we finally lost all our stock plants. We will leave the description up for information purposes and hope that you can find it elsewhere.

Update! I found one at the REBS Show last summer (2017), a single tiny plant in a two inch pot. It will probably take five years to grow it out enough to get cutting wood, but at some point (with luck) we will have it again. Thanks to Lone Pine Nursery in Sobastopol.
Brent used to sell it, but due to it not been cold hardy (in California) he lost the entire crop. Apparently he have a new mother tree but still no update on the for sale page.

There are other varieties to consider.

I used to wait every year to see if Brent would get more but never saw them available. I used to have many varieties and there truly are some pretty ones.
I may have to go this route. Thanks for the leg work. I was hoping to find just some little cuttings but this will work if not.
I have been out of the game for a bit I guess! I don't think I ever charged anywhere near that. I know I sent Grimmy (RIP) a huge box with like a hundred plants and it was still less than that.
Let me in on the secret on how u got that special title before 10,000 messages :cool:
Yikes, they want $38.22 for shipping a 1 gal plant... That's a little prohibitive. Plus UPS dropkicks things...
This is why I haven't ordered more trees. There are very few nurseries that actually charge you a reasonable fee. I think Brent is the only one so far that is still charging the same since I started ordering from him in 2019.


MrMaple used to be decent in charging shipping. Same size box in 2021 with two trees.

MrMaple and in 2022

Forest Farm shipping charges, since we are in summer, I have to pay the Air prices, I want to order a Liquidambar Burgundy Flush they have, not at that price.

Logee's have decent prices, but they don't have Emperor, they do have a "nana" variety.
FOUND SOME EMPEROR PLANTS!!! Trees of Joy has them on sale for $25. Shipping was excessive at $35 but did not increase with 2 so I got 2. I am so excited!!!!
If you ever get propagating them let me know! I’d love to have a little rooted cutting 😉
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