Is this fig tree worth 50 euros?


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Hello everyone, I recently saw this fig tree available locally for sale. My question is is it worth 50 euros? Would it grow more branches if I did buy it? I think what I like most is the trunk as it is quite thick and has a nice shape.Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 12.16.33.png
In my opinion it's a good starting point, maybe 50 is ok for me...only my opinion!
Not with that cut. And the tree does not look healthy to me.
You Can find better with patience.
Thanks, could you please explain what it is about the cut? I thought that to get good taper you had to make these large cuts.
Ficus carica, edible fig tree.

These are rarely seen with respect to bonsai culture, and this one is definitely unique. May be worth that price, but also there's probably a reason these aren't used much for bonsai.
Thanks, what the reason?
This sort of question tends to be very challenging to answer without local context of the bonsai scene. In my club, a tree like this would most likely be offered for free due to the numerous issues pointed out above. I know bonsai is very popular in Spain, but not sure about Portugal. I think you can do a lot better, even if it means starting from scratch.

Personally, I’d only take it if you paid me €50.
This sort of question tends to be very challenging to answer without local context of the bonsai scene. In my club, a tree like this would most likely be offered for free due to the numerous issues pointed out above. I know bonsai is very popular in Spain, but not sure about Portugal. I think you can do a lot better, even if it means starting from scratch.

Personally, I’d only take it if you paid me €50.
Thanks, I see this species of bonsai sold quite a lot here. One of the largest bonsai stores here as lots of them.
Portugal must have much better material to be found. Is it worth the money? Here in the cold north that would be a good deal. But you can literally walk into the countryside, find a friendly farmer and as for a limb of a tree and grow it on. They root very easily.

I have seen examples of great fig trees as bonsai, which is why I am growing on a branch from a fig in my garden. Key seems to be frequent pruning of growing tips and defoliation, little water and fertilizer and loads of sun, in order to create thinner branches & smaller leaves. So for the later stages of development.

50 is about one dinner meal.
You must have nice dinners! ;)
Portugal must have much better material to be found. Is it worth the money? Here in the cold north that would be a good deal. But you can literally walk into the countryside, find a friendly farmer and as for a limb of a tree and grow it on. They root very easily.

I have seen examples of great fig trees as bonsai, which is why I am growing on a branch from a fig in my garden. Key seems to be frequent pruning of growing tips and defoliation, little water and fertilizer and loads of sun, in order to create thinner branches & smaller leaves. So for the later stages of development.

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You must have nice dinners! ;)
Thanks, I just really liked because of the taper on the trunk
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