Could very well be. My Montezuma cypress, T. mucronatum, is evergreen in my Zone 9a. Mine would lose leaves in the years when it is very cold but will stay evergreen in mild winter. They are very very similar to bald cypress.
"The 1851 publication of
T. huegelii by C. Lawson was overlooked for more than 150 years, during which time the name
T. mucronatum was used almost exclusively for this taxon;
González-Elizondo and González-Elizondo (2022) have proposed formally rejecting the former name, arguing primarily that Lawson's vague description, unaccompanied by any type specimen, may not in fact apply to this taxon. Pending resolution of this point, most authorities continue to call the ahueheute
Taxodium mucronatum, although there is also widespread support for the name
T. distichum var.
mexicanum due to molecular studies showing an extremely close similarity between all taxa of
Taxodium (as discussed in the Taxonomic notes for
Whatever it is called it is Montezuma cypress for me. Although every similar, it is a tiny bit different both in trunk habit and in staying evergreen when it can.