Hello. It must be not a surprise to see people here asking for help. I got a Juniper 7 months ago and was doing good but summer hit and suddenly started to turn brown and dry.
I tried to water it more often but didn’t work and decided to cut some of the brown branches. Also I sprayed it with some tea tree oil and baking soda solution to prevent or kill the fungus (if there is any)
It has black spots and the still looks brown.
But now it seems much much worse. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if it’s already dead but my bonsai is in serious danger.
I add some pictures. I would appreciate help! Advices or recommendations since I’m desperate to save this tree.
I never owned this type of tree before, not even a cactus.
im very un skilled. Please someone help me to save it if there is any chance!
I’m in New York area btw.
I tried to water it more often but didn’t work and decided to cut some of the brown branches. Also I sprayed it with some tea tree oil and baking soda solution to prevent or kill the fungus (if there is any)
It has black spots and the still looks brown.
But now it seems much much worse. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if it’s already dead but my bonsai is in serious danger.
I add some pictures. I would appreciate help! Advices or recommendations since I’m desperate to save this tree.
I never owned this type of tree before, not even a cactus.
im very un skilled. Please someone help me to save it if there is any chance!
I’m in New York area btw.