I just couldn't throw-out this BC trunk so I made a 'monkey pole' stand out of it :D


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FL (Tampa area / Gulf-Coast)
I think 'monkey pole' would apply to this, unsure as I just made a ghetto brace for the bottom (so the thing actually needs its bottom 1" buried to be 'finished'!) and rushed the job, anyways this was the coolest BC I collected last year and it didn't make it - was very weird, it survived ~3mo before putting out 4 tiny shoots, none got >2" long, then those shoots lived for months before starting to look a bit worn, at which point I un-potted it and let it dry.....the continued waterings certainly helped soften the wood for the bugs(termites?) that tore-through most of the bark, am still unsure if I should bother getting the remaining bark off or just leave it natural so it falls off on its own. Will likely apply Thompson's or VG or something to seal it at some point but figure I should let it age enough that that bark is gone before I got preserving it!

Hopefully this year I find a BC like this one again with such awesome buttressing & a shapely knee, barely over a month before the BC-hunting begins :D

I like it. Turning lemons into lemonade. I too lost a big cypress a couple years back. I couldn't bear to throw the trunk out and kept it around until it just rotted away.
Really like it! Can you show the base (nebari) please

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