How to propagate Coast Redwoods?


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Romania, Bucharest
Hi guys, I recently got 10 little coast redwood seedlings and I wanted to know what the best way to propagate them is, cuttings? air layers? ground layers?
These are really rare and expensive (the transport is really) plants over here and I want to multiply them to give them to my friends.
If anyone has any experience with propagating them, I would really enjoy reading it.
I just tried air layering some. I cut, they healed over, I cut again, they healed over, I widened cut, used wire, they healed over. Got lots of callus, no roots. Still trying.
4 for 4 rooting softwood cuttings last year. All made it through the winter in an unheated greenhouse central NC
They root cuttings very easily. I use the sand from pumice with very good success. Once the trees you have get well established they will begin to produce sucker shoots around the base of the tree and from the surface roots. These can be collected and started for more tree. The cuttings I'm starting are from a basil shoot I collected from a tree several years ago. It sprouted another shoot off its base and I'm growing it as a twin trunk. Good luck! I hope they do well for you.
Thank you guys, I will most likely take cuttings instead of layering them, the seedlings already have quite a lot of suckers around the base.
I had good success with cuttings that were basically a leaflet ripped off mature trees so the heal was attached. First year was very slow going. Next year will probably be exponential growth like the seedlings I bought.
4 for 4 rooting softwood cuttings last year. All made it through the winter in an unheated greenhouse central NC
Would you mind sharing your propagation method? I've had absolutely zero success with mine so far. My first method was done in a seed tray under a grow light indoors. My problem was the aggregate seemed to mold before any rooting could occur.

I'd be curious what medium you used, cutting size, indoor/outdoor, in the sun, etc. I'm also in ~ central NC, so I'm hopeful I can find similar success.
i've propagated 5-6 cuttings at this point. it's been as simple as cutting a branch in spring and planting it deep in some potting soil, which i then water every day. about as braindead as juniper cuttings.
i've propagated 5-6 cuttings at this point. it's been as simple as cutting a branch in spring and planting it deep in some potting soil, which i then water every day. about as braindead as juniper cuttings.
I'm also 0/10 on juniper cuttings. I think because I was doing it indoors. Do you put the cutting outside in full sun?
i've propagated 5-6 cuttings at this point. it's been as simple as cutting a branch in spring and planting it deep in some potting soil, which i then water every day. about as braindead as juniper cuttings.
would you say watering them everyday is better than putting the pot inside a sealed baggy? Is the potting soil you use anything special? I usually use 50/50 coco-coir and perlite, would that be a good rooting medium?
My seedlings have grown quite a lot, some way better than others, but still acceptable growth for most.
Would you say taking cuttings in spring is better than summer (mid june for ex) ?
I'm also 0/10 on juniper cuttings. I think because I was doing it indoors. Do you put the cutting outside in full sun?
yes everything is outside in full sun (maybe in shade if its >85F). i don't expect much to work inside
would you say watering them everyday is better than putting the pot inside a sealed baggy? Is the potting soil you use anything special? I usually use 50/50 coco-coir and perlite, would that be a good rooting medium?
My seedlings have grown quite a lot, some way better than others, but still acceptable growth for most.
Would you say taking cuttings in spring is better than summer (mid june for ex) ?
no idea really. i don't put much thought into it. i cut off some branches, stick them deep in some trash soil, and then put them on the ground with other stuff where they get watered every day.
no idea really. i don't put much thought into it. i cut off some branches, stick them deep in some trash soil, and then put them on the ground with other stuff where they get watered every day.
oh.... cool then xd
yes everything is outside in full sun (maybe in shade if its >85F). i don't expect much to work inside

About 10/21 on Fodo Juniper (chinensis cultivar sofa shimpaku ish) indoors using 70/30 perlite/coco coir a heat mat at 75F and LED light in a progation dome.

Would have been much higher as a bunch others had runners, but poor watering practices killed these. This is the Bonsaify method btw.

DSD sends
My experience with redwoods is limited to planting from seeds collected from cones around my yard. Had some success this spring sowing them in late fall and letting them over winter outdoors. This spring about 2 dozen popped and the rest never pushed a single root. Kept them in a small grow house safe from the scorching sun.


This runner sprouted from an old stump in my yard and has been growing for the past couple years. Trunk is about 1.5” thick. I may try an air layer to see if I can get it to root, though I am not sure about proper timing here. Early spring next year?

I wanted to know what the best way to propagate them
Since you’re starting with little seedlings anyway, have you thought about mail ordering a bunch of seed? The seed is small and lighter than a feather. In the picture below you can see there are 79,497 seeds in a pound (or 175 seeds per gram). I bet you could get an envelope full of seed mailed to Romania for much less than what you paid for your plants.
Since you’re starting with little seedlings anyway, have you thought about mail ordering a bunch of seed? The seed is small and lighter than a feather. In the picture below you can see there are 79,497 seeds in a pound (or 175 seeds per gram). I bet you could get an envelope full of seed mailed to Romania for much less than what you paid for your plants.
View attachment 564115
It would definitely be much cheaper, but this is my 3rd time ordering sequoia seeds with 0 germinations, I know they have a low rate but meh, I now have 9 seedlings and I've found a guy that sells one's for 7dollars in Romania
Hey eeeealmo message me? I cant message you because i have too few posts i guess.. hinoki


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