How often should I water my trees now?


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Washington DC
Hey guys! I am in zone 7A (DC area). Last night it got down to 25 but the next coming week is around 60s during the day and 40s at night. I've read that some people don't even water the trees in dormant season and just relying on rain and snow, Is that ok or should I still watering my trees every day because I also read that wet and cold is not a good combination. Thanks in advance.
Depends on how much rain you get in your area, how large the pot is, your soil, how much shade, etc. Watering it every day in the winter/late fall is too much. It’s not even that cold here yet (9a) and I only need to water my small training pots every other day (diatomaceous earth/perlite with minimal organics).

You can determine when to water by touching/observing the soil. If it’s still damp on top and relatively wet under the surface, then no need to water. If it’s dry on top and only damp beneath the surface, you’re probably fine to water. If it’s bone dry then of course water. Something you have to get the hang of for yourself
When the soil is dry!

If you use inorganic substrate, dont worry too much about being “too wet”
After reading this suggestion here on BNut, this year I've left chopsticks pushed into the soil in each pot all the time. If there is any question about watering, pull the chopstick out and check the end for moisture. If it feels dry or only slightly moist, it is time to water.
As always, WHEN they need it
This is the best answer. Same as any other time of year.

Even in Winter on warmer days you should be checking for moisture.
Not a big deal this time of year, but really cold weather, cheaper pots, and pots with an in-turned
lip are susceptible to cracking if the soil is compacted.
I've read that some people don't even water the trees in dormant season and just relying on rain and snow
This is especially possible up North with prolonged snow cover, and with pots that are healed into the ground.
We, on the other hand, have so many freeze thaw cycles that you cannot let your guard down.
I normally do not water my trees from somewhere in October through to march, april.
I do check when we have a cold dry period. But normal years that is once in the whole winter that it is dry for more than 2 days.
Ohh wow ..same zone as me, I think we get rain like once a week here.
thatd prob suffice for winter watering unless super windy or you notice it doesnt rain in a week interval or something

the lack of heat makes a big difference but wind can make a difference. so if its been windy without much rain for days on end, could be worth checking the soil out.
I normally do not water my trees from somewhere in October through to march, april.
I do check when we have a cold dry period. But normal years that is once in the whole winter that it is dry for more than 2 days.

This depends on where the trees are being overwintered.
Trees I have in my cold frame, I generally dont have to water as long as I keep the top open
Trees in my garage have to be watered about once per week.
The trees are still on my bench outside , I have decided not to put mulch or anything to overwinter them this year. It's just gotten to much work to do that as I have probably near 100 trees altogether. I have tall fence around my property so it blocks a lot of the wind.
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