How do you sift?


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Alberta, Canada
The 'do you sift' thread and the cement mixer idea has me thinking and exploring a better way for sifting. In the past I'd wash out the fines with a normal kitchen mesh strainer (low volume), been using a store bought cheap chinese sifter and it is worthless, dusty forearm workout.

Lets hear and/or see your sifter set ups.
I use
& just have my 5yr old & 9yr old go to town. They love it & think it's the best thing ever for some reason lol..
Looks what I keep replacing, the screen keeps pulling out from the edge it pressed into.
No pix but 2 x 4" H frames with an extra cross piece, with the differrent screens nailed on. They are 2 people screens, because we generally make about 100 gallons at a time.
I am in the middle of building sifting boxes right now. I've completed one of the three. Their inner dimensions are 18 x 14 inches. The boxes interlock as they stack and there are handles on the sides. I'm using a medium grade of cedar board.
The 'do you sift' thread and the cement mixer idea has me thinking and exploring a better way for sifting.

@armetisius has a slightly modified(inexpensive) working solution for a cement mixer. Pretty certain now tagged he will offer his experience ;)

@armetisius has a slightly modified(inexpensive) working solution for a cement mixer. Pretty certain now tagged he will offer his experience ;) Grimmy

Smallest cement mixer; screen over mouth of mixer tub; large pipe clamps in series to hold it on.
Set tub level; engage mixer; whips a bag of dry material in about 5 minutes. Keep dropping it one
tooth until it is inverted. Exchange screens; reloading previously screened material; let it take the
next level out & so on til you are through.I can sift and mix one of the large garden bowl planters
heaping full in about a half hour to 45 minutes. Raining right now but I'll send you guys some pics
in the next couple of days.
Thanks for pointing this out @GrimLore didn't realize I hadn't shared this before.
Nice looking sifter, Reid. Curious to hear how it's holding up after nearly a decade of use, or if there was a v2.
Late to the party, but here is my sifting rig.
I used to just shake the pipe handles back and forth
Added the springs at the bottom of the pipes, and a plate with pins welded on to capture the springs
L sifter.JPG
IDK I just use the round soil sifters you can buy at just about any bonsai supply store and do 3 of the largest soil scoops at a time.
I like that they fit over a 5 gallon bucket so I sift into that.
Been using them for years and seems to work fine for me. Never had one break
I should have added that I use 3 scoops for those size screens because I have found when I tried to sift more than that volume in that size container, it took longer to sort the particles and get it sifted.
If you have too much soil in the sifting container, it can be difficult to mix it up enough to get it to truly sift and sort the particles.
I'm currently in the works of planning an "auto" sifter as the volume of components I sift are quite tiring to get done in a reasonable amount of time. I hope to make it portable as well to take it to the hardscape supplier for the cheap lava rock.

Up till now, I just used two different soil sifter sets to divide my components into different categories.

Dust: 1/32" Minus particles. Tossed into garden soil and compost.
Extra Fines: 1/32"-1/16" particles. Used for seedling mixes (mostly for my tropicals to reduce gnat breeding grounds)
Fines: 1/16" - 3/32" particles. Used for trees required small mixes.
Mediums: 3/32" - 3/16" particles. Used as my standard mix for trees in pots.
Large: 3/16" - 1/4" particles. Used as drainage and garden soil additives.
Extra large: 1/4" plus. Those that can be broken down are done so. Otherwise tossed. This size only really applies to my drainage layers from years back.
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