Holes in leaves...tiny fast white bugs...help...please


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Tucson AZ
So I am very happy to say that there is a lot of new growth on my Brazilian Rain Tree...I owe that on a huge scale to those of you that have helped me along the way by way of the forums so thank you...that being said I have noticed tiny holes in the leaves and a few tiny white bugs hanging out in the soil I have no idea what these are or what to do about it and since they are super small they're equally as fast. I'm posting a picture and I'm hoping someone might be able to help me either identify the bug or has any idea of what can be done to get rid of these or all bugs safely without harming the tree. Thanks.
If you have a small collection.A daily inspection with water squirt(a small jet of water) will deter most bugs progress without using an insecticide.When I think of fast moving little white bugs,I think of wooly aphids.They definately need squirted off daily cause they will take over.They are more aggressive than the typical aphid that only are attractid to soft tip growth in spring.
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I don't know what your bug is, but you can use insecticidal soap spray on this tree. I have had no problems spraying my BRT with it.
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