Here we go - first 100+F day of the season

Once again shows how important it is to take advice based on zone. For example, I would say to keep ones JM in full sun. Perhaps that's good advice for my zone, but I'm going out on a limb here and bet BrianBay would not give the same advice in triple digits.
Once again shows how important it is to take advice based on zone. For example, I would say to keep ones JM in full sun. Perhaps that's good advice for my zone, but I'm going out on a limb here and bet BrianBay would not give the same advice in triple digits.
Morning sun only. Full shade in the afternoon.
High five from the northern valley!

Put my shade cloth up last week and it's a bit worse for the wear after several seasons. Need to replace that as windy days will wreck more havoc. Watering in the morning and evening and working from home today, so I can do a little extra, too.

Some old timers in our local club are talking about "boiling roots" in the club's Facebook group. While I want to correct them, I reckon it gets the point across to newer members of the club to not water during the hottest part of the day.

Nice. Must be some sort of oil and gas company. He gets use to it.
Nope... apparently, Houston has more than petroleum conglomerates to employ people there and the kid wanted to work/live in a big southern city🤷‍♂️. Anyway, I must gird my loins for the impending swampiness moving him into Space City end of this week.
The heat and humidity is unbearable today.
Right there with ya. Central NTX brutality is upon us. I am finishing up my shade screen project today. Just in time.

Nope... apparently, Houston has more than petroleum conglomerates to employ people there and the kid wanted to work/live in a big southern city🤷‍♂️. Anyway, I must gird my loins for the impending swampiness moving him into Space City end of this week.
Take lots of breaks. I'm 34, fit, and ended up in the urgent care with heat stroke over Memorial day weekend from working in the heat. North/South/East/West side? Shoot me a PM if he needs someone younger/local to help out as he's getting adjusted.
Take lots of breaks. I'm 34, fit, and ended up in the urgent care with heat stroke over Memorial day weekend from working in the heat. North/South/East/West side? Shoot me a PM if he needs someone younger/local to help out as he's getting adjusted.
That’s fantastic and very generous of you. I’ll hopefully survive the weekend but will reach out to you in the future if needed.
I worked in DFW area for 3 months one summer when I was in my early 30's. Chemical manufacturing plant, the "day shift" started at 4:30 am in order to beat the heat. It was nice being able to knock off for the day at 2 pm, but the heat was still unbearable. When its 90 to 100 F and you are inside a huge warehouse full of 7000 gallon tanks of 120 F chemicals the warehouse becomes an oven no matter how many fans are blowing. Loading doors were always open. Every hour the full crew would take breaks in the air conditioned offices. I worked in the air conditioned lab, but had to run "out back" into the warehouse or on top of the trucks to or rail cars to grab samples of the chemicals. So I probably was in the heat 25% of the day. I declined a lateral transfer with a modest pay raise to Texas. Told them I needed to stay somewhere where they still had winters and snow. And they did keep me for 40 years. I'm retired from BASF and they never made me move to Texas.
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