Mike Hennigan
I recently started taking a handbuilding class at a local clay studio to make myself some bonsai pots. I’ve decided I’m going to rent a shelf at the clay studio after the class ends to continue working on pottery. I’d like to feel out pottery as a possible profession or part time profession down the line, and would like to start selling some of my pots at some point and see how it goes.
I took a ceramics class in high school and really loved it. I’m 31 now so it’s been a while since I’ve worked with clay, but it felt like returning to something very familiar and have really enjoyed it so far.
These are the first two pots I made in the first class, just free form pinch pots that I later added some simple feet to. Nothing amazing but kind of interesting. I’m thinking of planting a miniature ‘seiju’ Chinese elm forest in the blue one.

This is the third pot I made. A circular sort of lotus looking pot that I made my pressing a slab into a bowl and then carved the contours into the sides and carved the lip in a flower petal sort of design. It has 6 feet.


I took a ceramics class in high school and really loved it. I’m 31 now so it’s been a while since I’ve worked with clay, but it felt like returning to something very familiar and have really enjoyed it so far.
These are the first two pots I made in the first class, just free form pinch pots that I later added some simple feet to. Nothing amazing but kind of interesting. I’m thinking of planting a miniature ‘seiju’ Chinese elm forest in the blue one.

This is the third pot I made. A circular sort of lotus looking pot that I made my pressing a slab into a bowl and then carved the contours into the sides and carved the lip in a flower petal sort of design. It has 6 feet.


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