Help with bald cypress "witch's broom


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New Orleans, Louisiana
I believe I have found a bald cypress"witch's broom". I'd like advice on best time to make grafts. I have a few BC saplings I can use to cultivate the grafts.

The witch's broom is fairly deep in the swamp, accessible by kayak. The water is about a foot deep where this is. I will have to shoot down the cuttings with a slingshot because the broom is about 15 feet off the ground.

My idea is to stretch a large piece of shade cloth beneath the spot to catch pieces as they fall. I'll then set the grafts right there. It'll be one of the few times I've brought bald cypress trees INTO the swamp. (I've participated in reforesting projects AND if you plant trees over buried bodies, they're never found)

I'm not killing the goose that lays golden eggs. So anyone who thinks I'll take down the supporting branch, or even the whole tree, is way off the mark.

If anyone has worked with witch's brooms before, I'd appreciate the help.IMG_20190222_132137078_HDR.jpg
Do you think you could get a pole saw with a clipper up to it? You may be able to get some small cuttings from it more easily and with more control. Possibly with less collateral damage.
Good eye and Nice find.
Good luck.
Is that a witches’ broom? Hard to tell from the photo, but almost looks like a squirrel nest of Spanish moss,
I don’t know but you’ve got some cool short-story material going on here. If you do successfully collect, you’ll have quite the tale to tell.
There should be no need to graft on site.
Scion material can be stored for several weeks (sometimes months) if needed, especially when dormant but even evergreen scions can be wrapped up and used a few days later.
Take a plastic bag and wrap the pieces so they don't dry out on the trip back. An icebox is good if weather is warm or if you have a long trip home. Store unused material wrapped in damp newspaper or plastic in the crisper if you need more time before grafting.
I have grafted quite a lot of species but not BC. Good luck with the project.
I’m curious if you ever went back.
Was it a broom?
Did you manage to get any scions?
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