Help with Azalea Bonsai Trunk


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Hello, first time posting so I'm hoping I've posted to the right place. I have an azalea bonsai tree, not particularly sure what specific variety, that is about 5 years old.

It seems to be in pretty good health and is flowering well but I want to try and make the trunk thicker. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice for me? I'm very new to this so any advice is really appreciated.

Welcome Aboard Bonsai Nut! You have come to the right place.

Great start! Here’s a quick rundown….

Start with raising up the media level as high as possible. Moss the media well..

Remove all flowers and flowers parts when bloom is at 80%. Then fertilize less rather than more.

Be careful only to water when the media is just about dry.

Morning Sun only, afternoon bright shade.

Plan on repotting late winter early spring in a deeper and larger pot…. And change all the media, carefully washing the roots free of all old media. .

Be sure to cover the nebari all the way with media.

DSD sends
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Little pots are usually for when your done developing the trunk, if you want to keep it going it needs more room for the roots. It does look nice with all those flowers.
Ok great thank you for all your advice. It's going to hurt to remove those flowers 🙁 But it will be worth it in the long run!

Expect to see me in a few threads I have a few trees I need some guidance with!

Thanks again!

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