HELP ------- trying to understand ------oil seed meal in tea bags


Imperial Masterpiece
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West Indies [ Caribbean ]
So before you put the cakes on the soil and allowed it to decompose / compost .

The N is 6,

I wondered if the cake is ------- fermented --------- how much N actuicleally went into
the soil , as it composted.

Then you put it in teabags and confined the particles to the bag. Only liquid going in.
So how much N went into the soil.

Then I found this -

Anyone as a Soil Scientist able to explain ?
Thanks in Advance,
Did some more reading.

The way seed meal is used is interesting, ground finely and mixed
with the soil

The leftover oil is supposed to aid in holding N.
Seems to active in 10 days.

There was a study using Sunflower seed meal, on corn.
Results noted in 43 days.
At 2 gms to 1 kg soil.
Sunflower seed meal is 2.25 N - 1.25 P - 0.79 K

Also found a figure for compost tea----- 0.1 N , explains why the elms we
tested it on lost branches.The next year.

Will keep searching.
Good Day
Anthony, we don’t mix it in the soil. We use ground cottonseed meal. In teabags to keep the fines out of the soil. Add more bags every week, replace old bags with new after a month.

Also use fish emulsion once a week.
Thanks Sifu,
{ @Adair M }

I was wondering abut the tea bag technique ----- apart from tidiness ------- it feels
more like compost tea.
I could find no study on how it works apart from ---------- compost tea.

BUT I see you mentioning Fish emulsion once a week -------- 2 to 5 N 4 to 1P
2 to 1 K plus micro nutrients.
If it is 5 N, then that is almost the same as 6 N for finished Bonsai.

You sure you guys aren't doing some form of Organic Farming ?
Good Day
The tea bags serve several purposes: they prevent the detritus from contaminating the soil mix, easy to know how much fertilizer is present by observing the bags, and some people have trouble with varmits and pets eating the fertilizer cakes. The tea bags can be pinned down so they stay in place.

Actually, what works even better than tea bags are the little wedding “rice” bags. They tend to hold up better.
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