I would remove the bamboo, see what it does.
Then look for what the trunk line wants to do, and decide if that's okay, or if it needs wire and beding (best do that in fall or winter with junipers).
Then work upwards to see if there are any branches that can go. I personally don't like even branching patterns, so if there are opposing branches, the ugliest has to go.
This can be a process of days, turning the tree, leaving it alone, look again, mark a branch, turn it again, look again. Repeat until infinity or just hack away and never look back, going forwards.
Once mayor branches are decided, smaller branches come into play. And so on.
Can we decide the style? Sure. But that would take all the fun out for you. That's the fun part!
Just make sure that if you want to make dead wood, jins or whatever ghostly remains, it's cool to leave that branch alive for the first year. The bigger it gets, the more impressive it will be later on. I trimmed the bark off of some branches, and now the tree has grown a little, the jins and dead wood are more appendages than characteristic features. I did it too soon. In 1 year, they'll look like matchsticks compared to the tree. I wish someone would've told me, so there you go ;-)
Good luck!