Help! New baby Serissa tree, severely dying, is this still salvageable?


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Hello! I am very new to bonsai trees! (also fairly new to taking care of plants) but a totally complete beginner to Bonsai. I got a Serissa Foetida as a gift last week, and probably not even 10 days after, all of its leaves have already turned brown or have fallen off! I've already been warned by the person who gave it to me that the Serissa is a thirsty plant and I've learned from online sources that they also like high humidity and hate being moved around. So I placed it in front of my window (facing south) and have constantly watered and misted it, I thought watering/misting it everyday would kill it would root rot or over watering, but apparently not! Cause it still looks very thirsty! (as you can see from the picture below) I don't know what I'm doing wrong honestly! I've even set up a humidifier so that the humidity in the room (its an indoor bonsai) would be higher. I tried changing my water habits with it, by giving it a lesser amount of water, but watering it everyday! Also it may just be my wrong observations, but I feel like every time I mist it, it just dies even more! I'm lowkey panicking not gonna lie, as I love my plants very much but this has been giving me so much stress ;-;. I've also taken into account the possibility that it may not be under watered, but over watered and the plant is actually root rotting or something, now i'm no expert (a beginner even) but the yellow/brown/shriveled up leaves really points out to it being thirsty, (but again! im no expert!) I really want to know what I can do to save this plant, or what I am doing wrong since as I've said before, I really love my plants and do my best to take care of them, I know it looks unmaintained in the pictures, but believe me I've really been trying my best to keep this plant alive, and still do hope so! So if anyone could help me out, that would be amazing! Thank you! Also this may help but a few more information regarding my plant, is that its the rainy season from where I live (theres no winter here) and (in my opinion) it gets a fair/good amount of sunlight throughout the day. Again, thank you, I appreciate any response!
It is hard to tell the cause but unfortunately this tree does not have a very good prognosis at this point and may not recover. Maybe the soil, light and water requirements for this plant weren't met.
I would say keep watering it put it in the sun but not directly, trim off the dead foliage and wait till next spring and it may or may not come back!
Hope it survives!
Maby try to stop watering it for a few days it might also be stressed from moving!
I would say keep watering it put it in the sun but not directly, trim off the dead foliage and wait till next spring and it may or may not come back!
Hope it survives!
Maby try to stop watering it for a few days it might also be stressed from moving!

I see! I also thought stress was a huge benefactor as to why it was dying so quickly, also if I trim off the dead foliage, I think i'd be removing almost everything cause almost all the leaves are brown, crumpled and dry ;(( But I guess it must be done, also spring just ended for my country lol I really hope this little guy survives, it's my very first bonsai ;((
Honestly I'd say it looked dead. Questions for you: Does pot have drainage hole in it? It could have drowned.
Did you repot it? Root disturbance/damage.
Was it really hot in front of this south window you used. Could have been burned up.
Honestly I'd say it looked dead. Questions for you: Does pot have drainage hole in it? It could have drowned.
Did you repot it? Root disturbance/damage.
Was it really hot in front of this south window you used. Could have been burned up.

-Yup the pot has a drainage hole at the bottom, and I make sure that it's well drained whenever I water it,
-I've never repotted it but maybe my friend repotted it before she gave it to me? Dont think so tho :((
- the weather from where I live has been really cold since it has been raining a lot and its also the rainy/colder season for my country, so im not so sure if it got too hot for the plant but the average temperature here is 30 degrees celsius (does get hotter or colder at times)
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