Help figure out what is wrong with my Sageretia theezans


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Hi! I need help with my bonsai:
Both old and new leaves are growing these odd brown-ish spots which makes the leaves fall after a while making it lose a lot of leaves with each day passed. What's odd is that new leaves are still growing as if nothing was happening.
Also what is that white stuff on the top of my soil as seen in the last picture?
e: fixed images hopefully
I was able to see the pictures with your link, the site here is under going maintenance and having an issue. I live in Florida and all of my tree are tropical. They lose leaves all the time, as long as they are actively producing new leaves I never worry about it. The white stuff is probably calcium deposits and not much to worry about however, even though your tree appears healthy I think it is potted much too high and in a pot much too small for it. The soil also looks like regular potting soil. I would pot it in something slightly deeper and bigger with good bonsai substrate.
I was able to see the pictures with your link, the site here is under going maintenance and having an issue. I live in Florida and all of my tree are tropical. They lose leaves all the time, as long as they are actively producing new leaves I never worry about it. The white stuff is probably calcium deposits and not much to worry about however, even though your tree appears healthy I think it is potted much too high and in a pot much too small for it. The soil also looks like regular potting soil. I would pot it in something slightly deeper and bigger with good bonsai substrate.
Thanks, hopefully you are right. But shouldn't I wait with repotting until the spring though? On the other hand, if the roots are overcrowded then maybe that could be one of the reasons for leaves' struggling, now that I think about it.
In my climate I wouldn't hesitate to repot that tree. I don't have any experience in your climate. It is a tropical and they can be repotted as long as they're actively growing and you can keep them warm until recovery.
In my climate I wouldn't hesitate to repot that tree. I don't have any experience in your climate. It is a tropical and they can be repotted as long as they're actively growing and you can keep them warm until recovery.
Oh, I see. Makes sense. Thanks.
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