Help!! Do I need to do something for my ficus?


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Tulsa, OK
I was looking at my ficus today, when I noticed a new root that I had never noticed before. It's coming up from the soil and then going back down on the other side of the pot, see the picture. Is this a sign that my tree is becoming root bound? I repotted it Spring 2015, and was planning on doing the same next spring. I just don't want anything to happen to this tree, and I got concerned when I saw that.

Let me know if I have cause for worry or not! Any advice welcome!! Thanks in advance!IMG_5010.JPG
I'm no expert but I think ficus are better repotted in summer, maybe it is looking some pea's to eat near the surface ;)
You dont have to worry at this point. You should probably repot it next year. The best time to repot a ficus is summer when the nights are at or above 70 degrees F.
Your tree is fine. Ficus push roots like crazy. Even if it is rootbound it's not the end of the world. Ficus tolerate being rootbound just fine.
Got figs?

Yeah you can cut that root out later.

Thanks for the replies!!! I guess I'm just a bit paranoid after losing a juniper this past winter, and just didn't want the same fate for this guy.

Also, thanks for the info on repotting a ficus. I definitely would've attempted to repot next spring, so I'm glad you all pointed out that wasn't correct. I'll hold off until the temps are right!

Thanks again for all the help and advice, that's why I love coming to this place with my concerns!!!
Alright guys, I'm sorry I'm back so quickly to ask you the exact same question, but there has been some developments since the picture originally posted. See the picture below. Am I still just paranoid that the roots have nowhere to grow in this pot? One root was one thing, but it seems like a whole mess of them is wanting to grow out of the pot.

Thanks again in advance for all your help!IMG_5076.JPG
One root was one thing, but it seems like a whole mess of them is wanting to grow out of the pot.

Normal, if they bother you snip them off for now and repot next Summer.

Normal, if they bother you snip them off for now and repot next Summer.


Thanks!! You already answered my follow-up question about whether it would be okay to trim those ones back too. Not that I necessarily want to right now, but if they become a problem, I was curious.
Read up on Ficus, you'll find that this is normal and nothing to worry about. Ficus grow roots like crazy.
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