HELP! Burning Up -- Need Shade


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Sandhills of NC
Am in NC but feels like I am back in AZ, which I actually loved. Temps are consistently running about 100 f. But worse is the burning sun. My tropicals, scheffleras, etc. and some in very shallow pots are burning up. Can't water every hour and an automatic spray in not possible now. Don't want fried foliage!

Does anyone use shade cloth on a portable PVC frame? My thought is kind of like a row hoop thingyee. Anyway, please share what shade cloth (not for greenhouse) that you use, where purchased and how you created a frame for it.

sweating here in very sunny NC.
Do you have the chopped sphagnum going on yet? I always do that come hot hot summer, and it really helps a lot.
Right there with you Doug. I'm getting some burning on the leaves of some of my Ficus.
I feel your pain, but sorry, don't have info to help you. I'm fortunate to have a large shade tree in the yard. Judy's suggestion about sphagnum moss is good.
I got a metal frame and a 30% shade cloth from a vendor at my local swap meet. I've seen a lot of the vendors use them. With a few days notice they can make them to whatever size you want. Then you can cut or bury the poles to your desired height.

Do you have the chopped sphagnum going on yet? I always do that come hot hot summer, and it really helps a lot.
Thanks all for your responses. And Judy thanks for reminding me that the shallower pots must have a sphagnum mix to ensure water retention. That will help the leaves but this sun is brutal.
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