Hedera Helix--Ivy


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West Des Moines, IA
I got this hedera helix as a standard greenhouse starter, in 2001 in March.

ul ivy.jpg

I cut back the growth several times a year, when it seems to be getting out of hand. It started out as a triple trunk tree, but one trunk died early on. It now has a very thick trunk that has tremendous taper. It also is developing some nice movement.
That's awesome, Fred, I love it. Has the trunk thickened much in your care? Or is it close to the same size as when you bought it?
The trunk was about .25" when I started this project, and that was with 3 trunks. They were just strings. The trick is to take an ivy bonsai seriously enough to get it past the first few years.
Wow, bet most wouldn't have the foresight for this! really interesting tree. You've obviously brought out the best in the material since 2001, nice work as always from you
Who would have ever :) That is truly unique! Now I have to avoid looking at it when the Wife is around :p Nice one!

The trunk has continued to develop on this ivy bonsai, but now some of the branches have become comparatively heavy. I repotted this bonsai this morning, and used this Korean mirror-shaped pot my son gave me about 10 years ago. I think the pot is a good match for the ivy.

ul ivy 3-20-16_Panorama1.jpg
I talk these up. Too few take the time to keep them in shape. Nice tree.
The trunk has continued to develop on this ivy bonsai, but now some of the branches have become comparatively heavy. I repotted this bonsai this morning, and used this Korean mirror-shaped pot my son gave me about 10 years ago. I think the pot is a good match for the ivy.
Very nice work, Fred!
That's a really great tree Fred, wow. Do you mind me asking how tall it is? I think this is the ivy i have growing wild in my neighbors' yards which ends up growing in mine. I complain about them, but I might have to start some myself. Of all things, they also had porcelain berry vines, of which I dug up 4 last summer.
"English Ivy" is an invasive pest in these parts. It is almost as bad as Japanese honeysuckle. I've been looking for one with a nice trunk like Fred's tree has. Not that easy to find one with any character or substance, like this one. Good job!
Fredtruck: So you started w/a thin ivy, and you just keep cutting back the growth? I have 2 going.....any tips?????
Well...I didn't start out with a specific plan. I just assessed the tree as it went along, and worked with what I had at the time. That was possible because I grew the tree from 3 cuttings that fused. It would have been different if I had begun with a giant ivy plant which I then cut back.
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