Hawthorn insects


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I have had this hawthorn 4-5 years, it has been doing fair, as it has not dies on me. The branches don't seem to be getting any larger, but I figure as long as it is living maybe they will grow. We had rain most everyday last week, most at end of day when I got home. Did not need to water, but did see this tree on middle of week and it was fine. Went to water and fertilize today and noticed brown on the leaves, took a picture to try and find what was going on. Then turned the leave over and see these aphid or whatever it is.
I really don't want to lose this tree, what should I do to get rid of whatever this is? I killed as many possible by hand.


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Thanks, I checked the link, description sounds like what I saw. Actually the past 2 days I do not see any new activity, maybe I killed them as I found them. Still need to spray with something.
Good info and pictures from you all. Thanks! I looked at my leaves close with a lighted 30 power mag light and don't see any signs of insects or tissue that has been eaten. I would say fungus even though I have sprayed the tree a number of times. I think I should have removed the affected leaves long ago and been more attentive about more leaves being affected and sprayed more often. A systemic fungus spray would be nice too. Is it to late to remove all affected leaves now and keep up with the fungus spray? It has not been in sun very much with the fungus problem and mites, but will give it morning sun now.
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