Hawthorn in 8A?


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Fort Worth, Texas
I've never had a hawthorn, but from what I've read they're fairly hardy. I found a really nice Downy Hawthorn that I'm in LOVE with. Honestly I've never seen a tree for sale I've fallen in love with before so much. I just want some insight on care and if they're doable this far south. I'm in north Texas 8a. I currently don't own a tree that would be this refined and really just want something I can enjoy and isn't 10+ years out on refinement.
Several websites show C. mollis as hardy in USDA zones 3-6, and others show it as native into TX.
My hawthorn was collected here in AL, and does just fine in full sun.
I was finding conflicting info as well.
What's more funny is on that site that says zones 3-6, it also says further down it grows naturally in De Leon, TX region, which is just an hour and half from me. Definitely not zone 6. Lol

I was planning on putting it on my main bench, which gets full sun up until 2 or so and then is fully shaded.
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