Hi guys, got something I'm very very nervous about and hoping for some advice/pointers/etc to help ensure that I don't mess this up, want to layer ^that fat branch, essentially killing the rest of this specimen (unless the lil ficusmacrocarpa whip/thread-grafted-seedling down low on the trunk can keep it going!)
So I've got (2) ficus.benji's (and some macro's but that's another story), one is a 'yardadori' that's established & doing well but of course has a massive trunk-chop-wound, it is there that the layering will ultimately reside (planting/grafting it into the wound!) The other is a topiary, maybe 5' tall, a gnarled trunk that's half deadwood/shari and 1 lonely branch at the top giving the thing it's canopy, it's this large branch that I want to layer (leaving no foliage on the trunk, excepting a lil thread-grafted ficus.*macro* whip at the base!)
Whole tree, will be killed after I remove the layer as the layered branch is the *only* branch (excepting a ficus.macro thread-graft down low on the trunking, thing is thriving but I half suspect it's just throwing roots through deadwood instead of truly having fused, it was threaded through a shari+cambium so entirely possible it never really fused..
side-shot of the branch:
So I've got my tan sphagnum screened-while-dry for fines/particulates and have IBA at the ready, will be making the cut in an odd shape/places because I want the rooting to occur in a way that 'fits' the chop-wound on the yardadori so I'll be making a 'template' from that one's chop-wound to use as my guideline for how to shape my cut (and the cut will be about 1.5" tall on the trunking, so that it's a bit taller than the layered-piece is wide) but hope to be sure about some things first:
1 - should I defoliate or prune *to help* with this? I'm at a bit of a conflict because it's wayyyy overdue for both a canopy-prune & root-prune so am unsure how to work the layering into this time-wise or order-wise!
2 - how deep should I be cutting when removing the bark? I see that you remove as-deep-as the bark, the green cambium, but then there's that last 'water layer' before you'd hit sap-wood/heart-wood, I'm unsure if that's supposed to be retained or removed :/
3 - if it's pruned a lot before the layering, I presume that'd mean a smaller root-mass would suffice for this operation (ie smaller root-mass to successfully survive after being removed from the host/topiary)
4 - timing....had planned to do it much earlier in the year and am now unsure if I should even do it in '19, I know it's late-in-season but at the same time, it's a ficus! And I'm in 10a, and the thing is the definition of vigor, and ficus just love the enviro here..everything in me instinctively says it'll be fine, setup the layering now and cut it & transplant-to the yardadori's chop-wound sometime in very-early spring maybe Feb (Ficus keep growing through winter here, as do bougies, they just grow slower but they still grow for sure)
5 - Size: does layering a branch this thick present any unusual facets I should know about? How about the fact that it's the entire canopy-mass that's getting layered?
6 - Aerial-roots *V* 'real roots'....with how readily Ficus' throw aerials in my climate, I expect that the first roots - perhaps the only roots - coming from this to be more 'aerial root' than 'real root', is this something I should be keeping an eye on or caring about distinguishing? Or just once I see my roots in the tan sphagnum, I'm good? (will have it wrapped air-tight with plastic around the loose-enough sphagnum, with a 2nd wrapper of foil over that to prevent light from getting through the 1st layer of plastic-wrap that's holding the sphagnum)
Thanks a ton for any advice/tips on this, am not much for layering but the yardadori needs something in that chop wound and this lovely casdcading branch on the topiary needs a better home than its oversized trunk so this seems "an obvious move" to me, hopefully it all goes to-plan!! Again thanks a lot for any help on this one
PS- re the "Macrocarpa whip thread-grafted into this Benji's trunk", anyone have an answer on whether that should work IE if Macro foliage feeds-from & sustains Benjamina rootstock? You can see that the whip looks healthy, I removed this macro whip from its parent like 5-7wks ago and it's just growing / didn't skip a beat, is starting to swell at its new 'collar' where it meets the trunk, I just can't tell if the thing threw aerials down-into the ratty old shari that runs the length of the trunk on this thing...
And side-view to show vigor, thing is growing same-pace as my other Macro branches: