Has anyone had success Taking cutting from Chishio Improved Maple.


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And if so what is the best process of making the cutting.
No but I’m willing to learn . Gardening but that is much different .
E, do you have propagating experience?
@Brian Van Fleet
I did make a couple air layers from the one you gave me, and took a few cuttings to use for root grafts. Probably about this time of year, not more than 2 nodes of new growth, cut the leaves in half, stick in peat and perlite, place on the ground in the shade and mist as often as possible.
E, do you have an understanding of terms? Do you have material readily available? I don't mean to sound evasive but having a knowledge of propagating and material is a big step forward.
New growth: 4-5 new set of leaves. Bottom heat, hormone and intermittent mist
Semi-hardwood: best results. Usually around the first part of June depending on where you are. Hormone, mist or tent.
@garywood Thank you. I do have grow lights I do have a tent . I have all of the above except a mist guess .I could spray with the spray bottle.not sounding evasive at all Thanking about buying one of those propagating dome
For cutting . This is the only term pardon me that I don’t understand not more than (2 nodes) of new growth, also Thank you @ Brian Van Fleet
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Chishio will root from cuttings.
Chishio will root from cuttings.
I have four Chishio cuttings in a plastic tub right now so far they are alive and green going on to About 14 days Thanks for the reply . Curiosity how long do they take to root. This branch was initially and air layer branch broke with a very heavy wind storm so I decided to try to root Instead of just throwing it away .
Usually they will root in the first 7-14 days. The safest thing is to do nothing, but if you have a light potting medium you can ever so gently tug on the cutting. If it has started to root it won't pop right out. Be very careful as the new roots are super delicate and you can easily yank them off.

If you have no roots but callous, just give it more time.
Usually they will root in the first 7-14 days. The safest thing is to do nothing, but if you have a light potting medium you can ever so gently tug on the cutting. If it has started to root it won't pop right out. Be very careful as the new roots are super delicate and you can easily yank them off.

If you have no roots but callous, just give it more time.


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