Imperial Masterpiece
I have a tree that needs to be cut back dramatically. It is now leafing out. I have three horticultural questions for BNuts willing to help me out.
FIRST QUESTION: Is it better to do the hard pruning now or to wait until after the foliage has hardened?
SECOND QUESTION: Should I prune a few branches in one session, then more in another a few weeks later, and (if there is more) the rest after another equal waiting period, OR should I do all the pruning in one session?
THIRD QUESTION: Should I ‘chase back the foliage’ meaning my pruning should always leave a few leaves on each branch/shoot/twig of the finished form OR can I prune back to visible buds OR just lop it back to exactly what I want and not worry about foliage or buds because it will make new buds and then leaves anyway.
An alternative single question is what should one do to kill a branch or specific branches simply by pruning? With this answer, of course, one would not do that; but I don't know that answer either.
FIRST QUESTION: Is it better to do the hard pruning now or to wait until after the foliage has hardened?
SECOND QUESTION: Should I prune a few branches in one session, then more in another a few weeks later, and (if there is more) the rest after another equal waiting period, OR should I do all the pruning in one session?
THIRD QUESTION: Should I ‘chase back the foliage’ meaning my pruning should always leave a few leaves on each branch/shoot/twig of the finished form OR can I prune back to visible buds OR just lop it back to exactly what I want and not worry about foliage or buds because it will make new buds and then leaves anyway.
An alternative single question is what should one do to kill a branch or specific branches simply by pruning? With this answer, of course, one would not do that; but I don't know that answer either.