GSBF Shohin Coast Redwood

Brian Underwood

Reaction score
Santa Rosa, CA
I bought this little guy from the Shimons at GSBF 2010. Here is the old thread;

It has been just over a year since purchase, and the tree had its first re-wire. It is filling in nicely and the branches are finally beginning to thicken. It still puts out mostly compact growth, with a larger shoot here and there, but if they are pinched back they will backbud with smaller ones. I still like the Jim Barrett pot...


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A few more views of the tree.


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It's lookin good.

I have not tried a redwood since I killed my first one. maybe one day i'll try again.

Hey Brian,

What is your plan for the apex of this tree?

Thanks guys!
John; I plan to keep the apex as singular as possible, which is a rare sight in most redwood bonsai. What are your thoughts on it?
I have only ever seen pics of redwood bonsai and actual redwood trees...of course they remind me a lot of bald cypress!! But, at this point I don't think the apex looks very natural. I noticed it had a small jin previously and I wonder if you should let a sacrifice branch grow vertically to replace that small jin(might be something you have to do every few years given that the small jins aren't likely to last very long)?? I also wonder what would happen if you cut all the branches back to within an inch or so of the trunk and encouraged them to ramify more as they extend...I think that might help get rid of that look of old trunk and young branches...just my two cents as an observer...
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